Steel Club

 Steel Club
700 Linden Avenue
Hellertown, PA  18055

Architect:  Donald Ross
Founded:  1986

Club Contacts

Golf ProfessionalCameron Gunn  (610) 838-6664
General ManagerGrace Spirk  (610) 838-7018
SuperintendentDon Zeffer  (610) 838-0934

Course Slope & Ratings

Championship TeesFront 9Back 9Course
 Gold/Red  Male  33 119  33.2 119  5338  66.2 119  72 
 Gold  Male  33.4 119  33.5 121  5476  66.9 120  72 
 White/Gold #2  Male  34.5 126  34.3 126  5823  68.8 126  72 
 White/Gold #1  Male  35.1 129  35 127  6094  70.1 128  72 
 White  Male  35.9 131  35.5 130  6391  71.4 131  72 
 Blue  Male  36.3 136  36.2 132  6655  72.5 134  72 
 Silver  Male  37.2 138  36.9 136  6987  74.1 137  72 
 Yellow  Female  31.6 101  31.9 104  3961  63.5 103  72 
 C2  Female  32 104  32.1 107  4131  64.1 106  72 
 C1  Female  33.3 110  32.7 111  4488  66 111  72 
 Red  Female  34.9 114  35.1 117  5207  70 116  72 
 Gold/Red  Female  35.2 115  35.6 120  5338  70.8 118  72 
 Gold  Female  35.6 117  35.9 121  5476  71.5 119  72 
 White  Female  38.4 129  38.2 132  6391  76.6 136  72 
Old Course TeesFront 9Back 9Course
 Gold/Red  Male  33.7 119  32.5 119  5338  66.2 119  72 
 Gold  Male  32.9 117  34 123  5476  66.9 120  72 
 White/Gold #2  Male  34.7 126  34.1 125  5823  68.8 126  72 
 White/Gold #1  Male  35.4 128  34.7 128  6094  70.1 128  72 
 White  Male  35.8 131  35.6 130  6391  71.4 131  72 
 Blue  Male  36.5 133  36 135  6655  72.5 134  72 
 Silver  Male  37.4 136  36.7 137  6987  74.1 137  72 
 Red  Female  35.9 120  34.1 111  5207  70 116  72 
 Gold/Red  Female  36.1 122  34.7 113  5338  70.8 118  72 
 Gold  Female  36.5 123  35 115  5476  71.5 119  72 


Club History

(Formerly Silver Creek Country Club)

They have been playing the game at Silver Creek for very nearly 50 years, but the 27 holes here are perhaps not so well known to golfers in the Greater Philadelphia area as they ought to be. That is because the Silver Creek Country Club, as such, was not founded until 1986.

It was back in 1947 that Bethlehem Steel Corporation decided to build a recreational facility just outside Hellertown for its plant management personnel. At the heart of it was an 18-hole course laid out by Donald Ross, whose earlier courses in GAP territory were Aronimink, Gulph Mills, Kennett Square, LuLu, Riverton, St. Davids, and Torresdale-Frankford. Ross’s construction company, supervised by his associate J. B. McGovern, with offices in Wynnewood, completed work on the Bethlehem Steel Club course by October 1, 1948. It promptly opened for play. Ross died less than a year later. The Hellertown layout was among the very last of his approximately 350 courses.

In 1960 a third nine was built on property now adjacent to Saucon Valley High School. This time it was Bill and Dave Gordon who were chosen to design the new holes. What particularly recommended them was their outstanding Grace Course, at Saucon Valley, the club to which Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s top executives belonged. The Gordon nine was now combined with Ross’s back nine to form the club’s regular eighteen (holes 1,2, and 12- 18 are by Ross; holes 3-11 are by the Gordons). The remaining Ross holes are called the "Hill Nine."

In the early 1980s, Bethlehem Steel Corporation began to divest itself of its several management country clubs, and in late 1985 came to an agreement with a group of members willing to purchase this club. The sale was consummated in January of 1986, and at that time a new organization, Silver Creek Country Club, was formed. The first officers were Alfred Hokenson, president; William Retter, vice president; Louise Tusak, secretary; and Robert Fatzinger, treasurer. Members of Silver Creek’s original board of directors, in addition to the four officers, were James Anthony, Harold Downey, Leonard Elly, George Escott, Wesley Gangewere, Joseph Koch, George Kostelnik, Owen McCall, Vincent Montafia, James Phillips, Lawrence Roberts, John Seiko, Nancy Strommer, Ronald Taylor, Alien Tice, and Richard Wasser.

A 2015 photo of the Silver Creek clubhouse, with the 18th green in the foreground.

In 1988 Silver Creek joined the Golf Association of Philadelphia. The new ownership has upgraded the practice range, the practice putting green, and the locker rooms. In 1994 an automated irrigation system was installed, and the following year the fairways were restored to their original contours.

Silver Creek members have two very attractive options when they come out to play. First is the regular eighteen— the Ross/Gordon combination—which is routed over mildly rolling land studded with a variety of hardwoods and evergreens. Par is 72. From the back tees—6,567 yards—the course is not long. But from the regular tees— just under 6,400 yards—the course is scarcely short. The forward markers’ total yardage is 5,591.

This is a very traditional northeastern United States parkland course. Which is to say, nothing in excess. There is out of bounds on five holes—2, 3, 5, 10, and 11—all, as it happens, to unnerve the player who hooks. There are many gentle doglegs and a couple that are quite sharp, on 11 (to the left) and on 17 (to the right).

Despite the club’s name, do not expect water to harrass you unmercifully. Still, that stream does pop up from time to time, especially on the inbound nine, imperiling the weak drive on 11 and 17,the shot to the green on 13 and 15. Speaking of the greens, they are big and boldly contoured. Indeed, they are the glory of the course and, at the same time, the bane of the unreliable putter’s existence. They make splendid targets, but once you have reached them your problems are just beginning. The undulations can be severe and the borrows, for the visitor, close to unfathomable.

As for the infamous "Hill Nine," some extravagant claims are made for it: "It is the hidden jewel of Silver Creek Country Club;" or, "It is possibly the greatest hidden gem in eastern Pennsylvania;" or, "It is the greatest nine holes of golf in the Lehigh Valley, period."

A look at the scorecard of this par-35 nine reveals that power is not essential: 3,200 yards from the back tees, 3,045 from the middle, 2,844 from the front. And since there are no water hazards and only 15 bunkers on the entire nine, we wonder what all the shouting can be about. Well, it is about trees and hills—thick stands of mature trees (generally known as a forest) and very high hills. In truth, the course has been hewn out of the lower reaches of a wooded mountainside. The overall change in elevation is more than 200 feet. Changes of elevation on individual holes exceed 120 feet. Awkward stances—uphill, downhill, sidehill—and awkward lies are legion.

On a visit to Silver Creek Country Club we have simply got to find time to play what the British call the "relief nine." Though, of course, there is no relief on it at all.

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Pennsylvania Golf Association
301 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 400
Kutztown, PA 19530