Union League Golf Club at Torresdale

 Union League Golf Club at Torresdale
3801 Grant Ave
Philadelphia, PA  19114

Architect:  Donald Ross
Founded:  1896

Club Contacts

Director of GolfSean M. Palmer  (215) 637-7500
Golf ProfessionalBrandon Klakowicz  (215) 824-2155
General ManagerSandi Cataldi  (215) 637-7500
SuperintendentAndrew R Dooley  (610) 374-2952

Course Slope & Ratings

Union League Golf Club at Torresdale TeesFront 9Back 9Course
 Green  Male  32.8 129  32.8 128  5011  65.6 129  70 
 White/Green  Male  33.5 133  33.4 130  5330  66.9 132  70 
 White  Male  34.4 136  34.6 137  5783  69 137  70 
 Blue/White  Male  35.3 140  34.9 137  6043  70.2 139  70 
 Blue  Male  35.5 141  35.5 139  6227  71 140  70 
 Black/Blue  Male  35.9 140  35.8 142  6368  71.7 141  70 
 Black  Male  36.4 144  36.6 143  6633  73 144  70 
 Green  Female  35.3 132  35.2 133  5011  70.5 133  70 
 Green/White Combo  Female  35.7 137  36.2 135  5273  71.9 136  70 
 White  Female  37.6 140  37.1 142  5783  74.7 141  70 


Club History

(Formerly Torresdale-Frankford Country Club)

At the close of 1896, golf saw its first stirring in a section of the city that has come to be called "the great Northeast." A form letter was circulated to a number of the more prominent business and professional men there:

In response to a desire that has been frequently expressed, it is proposed to organize a Country Club at Torresdale, where Golf, Cricket, Foot-Ball, Tennis, Bicycling and other sports may be indulged in.

A preliminary meeting will be held at the Red Lion Inn on Friday evening, December 11, 1896, at 8 o’clock. Stage will meet the 7:27 train from Broad Street, at Torresdale Station ....

Twenty men attended the December 11 meeting (and six others sent their approval), at which "it was decided to form a Country Club . . . with an initiation fee of $10 and annual dues of $20." Later that same month another meeting was held to adopt by-laws. Membership categories set forth were "active, contributing, summer, bicycle, Lady, and Junior." Lady, summer, and bicycle members paid annual dues of $5; for Juniors, the charge was $2. The by-laws also stipulated that "Bicycle Members... shall not have use of grounds." The Whelen property, on Knight’s Road and "in close proximity to Colonel Morrell’s race track," was chosen as a temporary meeting place for the club (the Colonel was one of the founding members).

Six months later, the membership count had climbed to a total of 195 (123 Active, 47 Lady et al) and 15 candidates for admission were posted. But by the turn of the century, serious internal dissension had arisen and a group headed by Colonel Morrell (for a time golf had been played on the infield of his racetrack) took over. The result was fiscal soundness, a change of name to Torresdale Golf Club, and the development of a nine-hole course, which was laid out by Scottish-born professional James Campbell and the club’s green committee.

The course was very long for the time—3,252 yards, but, like Springhaven’s first layout, not well-balanced. The final three holes—550 yards, 500 yards, 600 yards—accounted for fully half the length. Yet nothing in the first six holes—231 yards, 206, 300, 325, 375, 165—had prepared the player for this backbreaking conclusion. There were, it should be noted, at least two members able to handle this challenge. One was George Crump, who, not ten years later, would embark almost singlehandedly on what many still consider the noblest project in the history of the game, the creation of Pine Valley. The other was Crump’s very close friend, Reverend Simon Carr, a Roman Catholic priest. In the early years of this century, it was Father Carr who held the Torresdale scoring record, a 38, which, as it happened, was also par for the course.

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Membership Information
Club Membership Application
Individual Membership

Pennsylvania Golf Association
301 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 400
Kutztown, PA 19530