Indian Valley Country Club

 Indian Valley Country Club
650 Bergey Road
Telford, PA  18969

Architect:  William Gordon
Founded:  1952

Club Contacts

Golf ProfessionalThomas A Link  (215) 723-1984
General ManagerEric S Beck  (215) 723-9887
SuperintendentDoug Apple  (267) 680-9619

Course Slope & Ratings

Indian Valley Country Club TeesFront 9Back 9Course
 Red  Male  33.9 129  34.4 128  5779  68.3 129  72 
 White  Male  34.4 130  35.2 133  6080  69.6 132  72 
 Green  Male  35 132  35.5 133  6249  70.5 133  72 
 Blue  Male  35.7 136  36 137  6532  71.7 137  72 
 Black  Male  36.6 139  36.7 138  6867  73.3 139  72 
 Yellow  Female  34.3 117  35.3 125  5007  69.6 121  72 
 Orange  Female  35.3 120  35.7 127  5262  71 124  72 
 Red  Female  36.5 126  37.4 134  5779  73.9 130  72 


Club History

On a mid-summer day in 1952, a foursome—George Yocum, Warren Freed, Reub Dunbar, and Jake Crouthamel—finished their round at Norristown’s Jeffersonville Golf Course, piled their clubs in the trunk of the car, and headed home for Lansdale. There was the usual grousing about the crowded conditions on the public course and the distance they had to drive. One of them raised the possibility of starting their own private club, near Lansdale. A search for the right piece of land began.

The location team, which also included Early Gilbert, Neil Conver, Newton Clemens, Carl Keyser, and Edwin Gotwals, learned that Andrew Vogel, who owned Fisher’s palomino horse farm (Roy Rogers’ "Trigger" was born and raised there!) might be interested in selling. On the last Saturday morning in September 1952, Yocum, Gotwals, Clemens and Gilbert drove out to Telford to take a look at the property. They liked what they saw: the rolling terrain traversed by Indian Creek, the gracious three-story farmhouse, the big barn, the formal garden with its fish pond. And they liked the terms Mr. Vogel agreed to: 149 1/4 acres, with buildings, for $62,500; $10,000 down payment (Early Gilbert made out his personal check on the spot); and six months to come up with the balance.

Because the ground on two sides of the property sloped down toward Indian Creek, the new organization was named Indian Valley Country Club. Papers of incorporation were signed in Norristown on Sept. 30, and the following day a group of men gathered at the Tremont Hotel in Lansdale. At that meeting the first board of governors was elected: Robert Bartholomew, Albert Boileau, Edwin Gotwals, Carl Keyser, Robert Krupp, Anthony Mascara, Charles Mosheim, William Serekow, Willard Shelby, George Thorpe, Robert Williams, and George Yocum. Four officers were chosen: Robert Krupp, president; Willard Shelby, vice president; Carl Keyser, secretary; Early Gilbert, treasurer.

To raise the $200,000 needed to purchase the property, to build the golf course and to make other necessary improvements, it was decided to sell 400 bonds at $500 each. By January there were 130 applicants for membership; by February, 200. The prospects were good.

The farmhouse that, in 1952, became the original clubhouse of Indian Valley

And once the property was paid for in full, on April 1, 1953, a number of projects were undertaken. The residence itself was extensively remodeled in order to provide a bar and grille in the basement, a kitchen, dining room, and solarium on the first floor, and offices and a board room on the second floor. A new well was dug, underground telephone wires were installed, the silo was offered free to anyone who would take it (someone did), a parking lot was built, the barn’s hayloft was designated a combination ballroom/social hall, and the horse stalls were converted into men’s and women’s locker rooms. Over the objections of a few curmudgeonly male golfers, construction was begun on a swimming pool. And Bill and Dave Gordon were commissioned to lay out and build an 18-hole golf course for $102,000. Par would be 72, whether the course is played from the back tees (6,860 yards) or the forward markers (5,794 yards). It should be noted that Bill Gordon was the co-founder, with J. B McGovern, of the American Society of Golf Course Architects.

Though more than a year would pass before the course was ready. Bob Hendricks took the job of golf professional, agreeing to serve through 1953 for no compensation other than what lessons might provide and to oversee the building of a pro shop (total cost, $650). To promote interest in the game and the club, Hendricks staged driving contests along Bergey Road that summer.

A major problem confronting the club was the need to close Creek Road, a public road which crossed the entire property and had been in use for more than 20 years. Thanks to the efforts of Charles Mosheim and Newton Clemens, the consent of the neighbors was obtained and the commonwealth’s Highway Department declared it private. Today, the flat area in front of the creek on the 15th hole is a reminder of this road.

Tree and shrubbery planting prompted many members, both men and women, to pitch in, with George Yocum providing his tractor and post-hole digger. Indeed, this generous volunteering of time and materials characterized countless early projects in what was a concerted labor of love.

The first club dance was held in "the Wigwam," as the hayloft had been dubbed, in late September, 1953. Two weeks afterward, the clubhouse itself was opened for "drinking and dining." The golf course was seeded little more than a month later. And, not for the first time in the history of Philadelphia golf, Memorial Day was chosen for the grand opening. So in 1954, a bit less than two years after that foursome driving back from Jeffersonville had hatched the idea, the course they had dreamed of was ready for play.

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Club Membership Application
Membership Information
Individual Membership

Pennsylvania Golf Association
301 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 400
Kutztown, PA 19530