Lehigh Country Club

 Lehigh Country Club
2319 South Cedar Crest Blvd.
Allentown, PA  18103

Architect:  William S. Flynn
Founded:  1910

Club Contacts

Golf ProfessionalJoshua Tremblay  (610) 437-1451
General ManagerJennifer Felegy  (610) 258-6125 x28
SuperintendentJohn A Chassard  (610) 967-4643

Course Slope & Ratings

Lehigh Country Club TeesFront 9Back 9Course
 Green  Male  31.2 110  31.3 114  4300  62.5 112  70 
 Gold/Green Combo  Male  31.6 112  32.3 117  4710  63.9 115  70 
 Gold  Male  32.8 117  33.4 121  5239  66.2 119  70 
 White/Gold  Male  33.4 118  33.7 122  5413  67.1 120  70 
 White  Male  33.8 121  34.3 124  5634  68.1 123  70 
 Blue/White  Male  34.1 122  34.9 127  5842  69 125  70 
 Blue  Male  36 131  35 126  6276  71 129  70 
 Black/Blue  Male  35.9 129  36.6 133  6600  72.5 131  70 
 Black  Male  36.9 135  36.2 131  6748  73.1 133  70 
 Green  Female  32.7 110  32.9 115  4300  65.6 113  70 
 Gold/Green Combo  Female  33.5 114  34.4 122  4710  67.9 118  70 
 Gold  Female  35.1 120  35.8 127  5239  70.9 124  70 
 White/Gold  Female  35.5 122  35.9 128  5336  71.4 125  70 
 White  Female  36.3 126  36.8 131  5634  73.1 129  70 
 Blue/White  Female  36.7 126  37.6 135  5842  74.3 131  70 
 Blue  Female  37.7 131  38.9 141  6276  76.6 136  70 
 Black/Blue  Female  38.9 136  39.6 143  6600  78.5 140  70 
 Black  Female  39.2 138  40 145  6748  79.2 142  70 


Club History

At about the same time that Old York Road was launched, a club some 30 miles due north also came into existence. Lehigh Country Club filed its articles of incorporation in the latter part of 1910. Edward A. Soleliac was elected president. Other officers were George E. Holton, vice president; S. G. K. Stradley, secretary; and William W. Schantz, treasurer.

A 60-acre parcel of land known as the Dodson Farm, near Rittersville, was acquired, and construction of a nine-hole course and a clubhouse got underway early in 1911. And if the course itself was, like so many "starter" courses, rudimentary, the same could scarcely be said of the clubhouse. On the occasion of the grand opening, April 18, 1912, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported: "... One hundred and twenty-four feet long and splendidly equipped, the clubhouse, which is of Italian villa architecture, is handsome and commodious and luxuriously furnished. The three dining rooms can be thrown into one banquet hall capable of seating 250 people."

The original clubhouse of Lehigh Country Club — in the style of an Italian villa -- opened on April 18,1912

By this time, the club already had 350 resident members. Five years later, that number had climbed to 456, to say nothing of Junior and non-resident members. But by 1925, membership had declined to 349. The decrease was due principally to the fact that Northampton Country Club now had an 18-hole course, and so did the new club at Bethlehem, Saucon Valley Country Club. A nine-hole course was not going to be acceptable to Lehigh Country Club much longer.

Before the year was out, the club had acquired a new site. Located near Wieda’s Mill, it consisted of two properties, the Kemmerer and Kline farms, totaling 205 acres. Running through this pretty rolling countryside was the Little Lehigh River. Purchase price was $55,000.

On May 17, 1926, the board approved a contract with Toomey and Flynn (William Flynn had recently designed Cherry Hills, outside Denver, Colo., and the Cascades Course at the Homestead, Hot Springs, Va.) to design and build a course at a cost of $109,210. Within seven months, Toomey and Flynn completed their contract. However, all of 1927 and the first months of 1928 would be required to develop the course into playing condition, chiefly because heavy rains were to create a number of washouts—broad and deep gullies—to say nothing of the sinkhole that occurred when about a third of the 10th green dropped some six or seven feet. But on Memorial Day 1928, with the club’s president, C. R. Harned, driving the first ball, the 18 opened for play.

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Membership Information
Individual Membership
Club Membership Application

Pennsylvania Golf Association
301 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 400
Kutztown, PA 19530